Scientific Toolworks Understand是一款定位于代码阅读的软件。界面用Qt开发的。
- 1、支持多语言:Ada, C, C++, C#, Java, FORTRAN, Delphi, Jovial, and PL/M ,混合语言的project也支持
- 2、多平台: Windows/Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/IRIX/MAC OS X
- 3、代码语法高亮、代码折迭、交叉跳转、书签等基本阅读功能。
- 4、可以对整个project的architecture、metrics进行分析并输出报表。
- 5、可以对代码生成多种图(butterfly graph、call graph、called by graph、control flow graph、UML class graph等),在图上点击节点可以跳转到对应的源代码位置。
- 6、提供Perl API便于扩展。作图全部是用Perl插件实现的,直接读取分析好的数据库作图。
- 7、内置的目录和文件比较器。
- 8、支持project的snapshot,并能和自家的TrackBack集成便于监视project的变化。
File Size: 686 MB
Scitools Understand is a static code analysis tool that provides deep understanding of the structure and relationships in large code bases.
System requirements : Operating system
– macOS: macOS versions starting from 10.9 are supported.
Hardware requirements
– Processor: Multi-core processor with a frequency of at least 1 GHz.
– RAM: At least 4 GB is recommended, but optimal performance is achieved with higher amounts of memory, especially when working with large codebases.
– Free disk space: At least 2 GB for installing the program and temporary files.
– Screen resolution: At least 1280×1024 pixels is recommended.
What News?
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